Ex Libris Kirkland

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First Written -900
Genre History
Origin Babylonia
My Copy Actually reading from this site: https://sacred-texts.com/ane/enuma.htm
First Read November 07, 2024

Enuma Elish

Found a more graceful translation online (I didn't note down WHERE, sorry). But much more readable this way!

Noted on January 20, 2025

The translation I was reading was a project Gutenberg version, and it’s clear that there’s a big difference in how… literaturized these texts are? Like Genesis reads like a book, like a story. That’s familiarity, of course, I’ve known those stories all my life. But Enuma Elish is translated in a stilted, word-for-word way that makes it a bit hard to parse - and there are gaps where no attempt is made to fill in what’s missing. I think if this text was in continuous use for millennia (the way Genesis is) that maybe there’d be much more fluid versions here, adapted and narrativized a bit more? I don’t know enough history to say that confidently.

Noted on November 12, 2024

Reading this as an add-on to Robinson’s Reading Genesis, as well as the ‘cultural context study bible’ edition I’ve been reading this year. Interesting to see the overlaps - and really much more the distinctions - in creation myths. The big standout observation is how clearly Marduk creates mankind as servants: to grow food, to make offerings to ‘feed’ the gods. Different from Genesis to be sure!

Noted on November 12, 2024

Your order may not be changed; let the utterance of your mouth be firm.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

Ea, who knows everything, perceived their tricks.
He fashioned it and made it to be all-embracing,
He executed it skilfully as supreme—his pure incantation.
He recited it and set it on the waters,
He poured sleep upon him as he was slumbering deeply.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

You are the most honoured among the great gods,
Your destiny is unequalled, your command is like Anu's.
Henceforth your order will not be annulled,
It is in your power to exalt and abase.
Your utterance is sure, your command cannot be rebelled against,

Quoted on January 20, 2025

Whatever I instigate must not be changed,
Nor may my command be nullified or altered

Quoted on January 20, 2025

With the word "Fifty" the great gods
Called his fifty names and assigned him an outstanding position.
They should be remembered; a leading figure should expound them,
The wise and learned should confer about them,
A father should repeat them and teach them to his son,
One should explain them to shepherd and herdsman.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

He made truth to prosper, he uprooted perverse speech,
He separated falsehood from truth.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

Let them tell of his character to future days without forgetting.
Let him establish lavish food offerings for his fathers,
Let him provide for their maintenance and be caretaker of their sanctuaries,
Let him burn incense to rejoice their sanctums.
Let him do on earth the same as he has done in heaven:

Quoted on January 20, 2025

He fashioned heavenly stations for the great gods,
And set up constellations, the patterns of the stars.
He appointed the year, marked off divisions,
And set up three stars each for the twelve months.
After he had organized the year,
He established the heavenly station of Ne-beru to fix the stars' intervals.
That none should transgress or be slothful.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

He rode the fearful chariot of the irresistible storm.
Four steeds he yoked to it and harnessed them to it,
The Destroyer, The Merciless, The Trampler, The Fleet.

Quoted on January 20, 2025

Ex Libris Kirkland is a super-self-absorbed reading journal made by Matt Kirkland. Copyright © 2001 - .
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