Ex Libris Kirkland

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Subtitle The Remastered Full-Color Edition
First Written 2000
Genre Fiction
Origin US
Publisher Pantheon
ISBN-10 0375703764
My Copy library copy
First Read July 24, 2024

House of Leaves

The HOUSE however, seems mythic. Unknowable distances, repeating maze-like labyrinths, dark, repetitive, and using proper nouns like The Staircase. I want to know if Susanna Clarke had read this before she wrote Piranesi. Or if the creators of The Backrooms media know about this?

Noted on August 9, 2024

This is definitely a Borgian horror here. And like, horror-like-horrormovie. It's interesting! But not my genre. I've read a few horror books because they had some conceptual or formal innovation, and I guess that's the same thing happening here. But I'm very torn about this. I don't like the genre, but I am interested in what's happening, and I'm mostly enjoying the lexicographic mess that the page layouts are doing. But.. on the other hand, I'm 350 pages into this horror book and only halfway through???

Noted on August 9, 2024

I don’t remember why this made it on my to-read list, but it’s a twisty nested structural… horror book? Not sure yet. But the general conceit so far is: this is a booklength review of a Blair-witch style found footage documentary, with discursive footnotes, which is then FURTHER footnoted with personal stories from the punk kid who found all this (along with the original foot-noter’s body). That’s just 75 pages in, I suspect it’s going to get more complicated.

Noted on July 24, 2024

Quick note here: if this crush-slash-swooning stuff is hard for you to stomach; if you’ve never had a similar experience, then you should come to grips with the fact that you’ve got a TV dinner for a heart and might want to consider climbing inside a microwave and turning it on high for at least an hour, which if you do consider only goes to show what kind of idiot you truly are because microwaves are way too small for anyone, let alone you, to climb into.

Quoted on July 24, 2024

Ex Libris Kirkland is a super-self-absorbed reading journal made by Matt Kirkland. Copyright © 2001 - .
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