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Illustrator | Quentin Blake |
First Written | 1964 |
Genre | Fiction |
Origin | UK |
Publisher | New York Review Children's Collection |
ISBN-10 | 1590172396 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1590172391 |
My Copy | Hardback |
First Read | August 29, 2018 |
We liked this so much, Felix wanted to dress up as Uncle for Halloween this year!
Noted on January 11, 2019
How to describe Uncle? Uncle is a fabulously wealthy elephant who owns a giant castle/city/fortress called Homeward, and is constantly battling the slovenly inhabitants of Badfort (who have great names like Beaver Hateman and Jellytussle). The stories are rambly and a bit pointless and silly and we think they’re pretty great.
Noted on January 11, 2019