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Subtitle | A Novel |
First Written | 2024 |
Genre | Fiction |
Origin | US |
Publisher | MCD |
ISBN-10 | 0374610606 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0374610609 |
My Copy | hardback. Signed! |
First Read | July 13, 2024 |
OK, it's a month later and I'm still stewing on this book. I'm dying for Erika or Trudy to get thru it so I can talk to them!
Noted on August 9, 2024
A beautiful image: at one point there's a card game where you shuffle the cards, find and then remove the Lady card, setting in the center to observe the game. But this card isn't played, and does not take part in the game. I adore this; it has some explanatory meaning later but I loved the image by itself, and in fact wished it would have gone unexplicated. In a way it reminds me of the Fool in CWs tarot book.
Noted on July 16, 2024
There were several moments that range from 'oh I see what you're doing here' to 'OH NO HE ISN'T DOING THAT IS HE'. I cackled when we met a certain helpful character early on the journey. I gasped when he threatened to use a certain code. I'm trying not to leave spoilers here! And look, I know that 'look at all the tricks he pulled' is not a good recommendation for a book itself; that's only a small part of my enjoyment here. But it was a real, noticeable part of my enjoyment!
Noted on July 16, 2024
OK, I'm obviously not neutral about Robin Sloan; one of my favorite working authors. But OMG: here's a book that's like, surgically tailored to my interests. It's kind of scifi and fantasy, but it's got that bright optimistic vibe that Sloan uses, and feels absolutely of its present moment. A transparent effort to put a new book on the shelf that holds Narnia and the Dark is Rising sequence and Earthsea. And I think does it, in a way that feels extremely twenty-first-century. And it's a series! It's got invented writing scripts! It's like my personal buttons are all lined up and Robin smashed them all like a kid on an elevator.
Noted on July 16, 2024