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Subtitle | A Novel |
First Written | 1988 |
Genre | Fiction |
Origin | US |
Publisher | Scribner |
ISBN-10 | 0684848155 |
My Copy | paperback |
First Read | June 09, 2013 |
I was the juniormost fellow with the fixed smile. There was a spirit of generous welcome, the spirit of one-of-us and how-many-kids and let's-have-lunch. I wanted to be bound to the company. I felt complicit with some unspoken function of the corporation. I stayed late and worked weekends. I corrected my foot-drag step. I heard my own own voice and saw my smile and earned an office at the end of the hall, where I wore a crisp gray suit and grew stronger by the day.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
I used to sit in the living room and listen fitfully to the urgent sexual throb of the dishwasher.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
Corporations are great and appalling things. They take you and shape you in nearly nothing flat, twist and swivel you. And they do it without overt persuasion, they do it with smiles and nods, a collective inflection of the voice. You stand at the head of a corridor and by the time you walk to the far end you have adopted the comprehensive philosophy of the firm, the Weltanschauung. I use this grave and layered word becomes somewhere in its depths there is a whisper of mystical contemplation that seems totally appropriate to the subject of waste.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
Sometimes I see something so moving I know I'm not supposed to linger. See it and leave. If you stay too long, you wear out the wordless shock. Love it and trust it and leave.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
He looked too old, too spare, his face a boxy outline, an underdrawing of the original likeness, the fleshed-out and tinted-in Bronzini. A couple of days of gray stubble surrounded his untrimmed mustache and Matt thought the man had seized upon old age, embraced it with a kind of reckless assent.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
He picks up speed and seems to lose his gangliness, the slouchy funk of hormones and unbelonging and all the stammering things that seal his adolescence.
Quoted on June 9, 2013
You know about families and their video cameras. You know how kids get involved, how the camera shows them that every subject is potentially charged, a million things they never see with the unaided eye.
Quoted on June 9, 2013